Kudos to these parents for giving their children agency. As a parent of a trans son (now an adult), I can relate to realizing he was not who we thought he was rather early—first grade. He wanted a tie for school picture day. He was frequently seen as a boy and he was not at all bothered. He used his feminine birth name but shopped for clothes in the boys dept. By middle school, he no longer wanted to be seen as a boy, and instead presented as a tomboy and then came out as a lesbian at 14. He came out as transgender during his sophomore year in college, when he lived in an environment where he met trans and nonbinary people living just their lives. He told me, “I understood it was possible.”

I have gay friends who knew they were gay as small children.

I am baffled why we as a society simply cannot let people be who they are.

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What Dr Graham is suggesting pisses me off. It's diet conversion therapy

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Trans children are not mentally ill so there is no need to question the choices they make. All parents should be supportive of the choices children make and the way they choose to present themselves in the world.

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