Imagine the lives changed if this kind of zeal were applied to something productive and meaningful to a society. Care for the elderly, or impoverished families. Hunger. Literacy. Accessibility.
“Trumpism was never about making America great again. It’s about weaponizing your fear and resentment. Immigrants, women daring to expect control over their own bodies, trans kids, and “wokeness”—these weren’t your enemies until he told you they were. Trumpism isn’t about policy, principles, or progress; it’s a spectacle, a theater of grievance where you gleefully cast yourself as the victim while ignoring the real threats tearing this country apart.”
This both scares the hell out of me and equally makes me steaming mad.
Her life's mission is to turn the country into a theocracy. Unfortunately it looks like she's winning.
Imagine the lives changed if this kind of zeal were applied to something productive and meaningful to a society. Care for the elderly, or impoverished families. Hunger. Literacy. Accessibility.
“Trumpism was never about making America great again. It’s about weaponizing your fear and resentment. Immigrants, women daring to expect control over their own bodies, trans kids, and “wokeness”—these weren’t your enemies until he told you they were. Trumpism isn’t about policy, principles, or progress; it’s a spectacle, a theater of grievance where you gleefully cast yourself as the victim while ignoring the real threats tearing this country apart.”