Transgender rights are the canary in the coal mine for LGB rights. I regret to inform you that the canary has died. RIP. 🫥

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The only reason “LGB” have any rights at all is because of the “T” (most notably our black sisters) that fought for *everyone’s* rights. There is no liberation without queer liberation, and there is no queer liberation without trans liberation. There is no movement if we are more focused on exclusion than inclusion, hate than love. It’s difficult to even see trans-exclusive “LGB” as part of the queer community because it feels like they miss the whole point—it isn’t just about attraction, it’s about a shared identity and interest to undermine the patriarchal hierarchies in place to keep anyone from loving anyone, including their own self.

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Thank you for your in-depth, thoughtful and insightful reporting. I have a trans granddaughter who I l will fight for and support to the end of my days. At 14, she has discovered the theater and is shining brightly. She is fully out in her school and thriving.For all trans people out there, you are loved by this grandmother.

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