We now know for a fact : There were No Trans doing anything at Stonewall! It was all Gay People hence Gay Rights Movement! For many decades the LGB supported “ transsexuals “but not anymore! Mostly because the newer T (Genderists /hangers on) began high jacking the alphabet group and then started Trans/washing Gay History aka Same “Sex” Rights movement . There were no bricks, no bottles that is also 100% FALSE & FABRICATED 🚫
We now know for a fact : There were No Trans doing anything at Stonewall! It was all Gay People hence Gay Rights Movement! For many decades the LGB supported “ transsexuals “but not anymore! Mostly because the newer T (Genderists /hangers on) began high jacking the alphabet group and then started Trans/washing Gay History aka Same “Sex” Rights movement . There were no bricks, no bottles that is also 100% FALSE & FABRICATED 🚫