All of these people are White. The Heritage Foundation started in 1973 as 3 White supremacists in a garage fighting desegregated schools, and they've plotted and planned since. The people interviewed here view White supremacy and privilege as something that will keep them safe.

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It seems that all these people share one attitude in common, one I suspected all along is epidemic among LGBTQ+ folks who voted for the Trumpster: "It won't impact ME."

In other words, "I'm alright, Jack." More directly, "I got mine, so screw you."

They fantasize that they are so well-established, so safe, that nothing is going to happen to them, that if trans folks are successfully stripped of their rights that they will not be next. Martin Niemöller might have something to say about that, especially at a time when the idea of overturning Obergefell has already been discussed in SCOTUS.

That is, they are selfish fools who by their attitudes (and electoral choices) mock the struggles and sacrifices of those who got them to where they are.

Finally, on a different point: The one who justified their anti-trans bigotry of refusing to say "they" by claiming it's because it's "ungrammatical" is flat-out wrong. Using "they" as a gender-neutral singular pronoun has existed since the 14th century and while sometimes frowned upon in formal writing, has long been acceptable in common usage.

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This is absolutely what it comes down to. "I got mine, screw you." They think that rights in America only move forward, never backward. They think if they side with the fascists, the fascists will see them as the good ones and protect them. Well I hate to tell them, that never works with fascists. Eventually they turn on you too, even though you helped normalize them. They don't care who are the "good ones" and who are the "bad ones." They want them all gone, and slowly they'll do just that.

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So 5 different groups of people all got the rights so the rest of us should just be quiet and sit down and be eliminated?

Not one of them understands that it was drag queens and transgender who stood up to the police at Stonewall. Without us there would be no Stonewall. Without us you would still be fighting for your gay rights and your right to marriage. These are 2 other things the transgender people have supported. Along with supporting a woman's right to choose. So, to the " We have ours so we don't care crowd," thank you for your NONconsideration for the rest of us.

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Lobsters voting for the lobster-pot.

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They all voted for white privileges and supremacy. “I can get any job I want”, is telling.

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That's all very disturbing

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“I got mine, so fuck you.” is the rallying cry of every white conservative, gay or straight.

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(Scared of immigrant men and thinking Trump will keep you safe.) some magical thinking.

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Wow. This is some wild Stockholm syndrome shit.

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This article is from November. I would like to revisit these people now. I agree with the other comments that they are all speaking from a place of privilege. But they will be coming for you as well.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

—Martin Niemöller

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How do we hold these backstabbers to account and bar them from the queer community that they threw under the bus?

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I really need an update on how these people feel now.

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